Fear is almost a knee-jerk reaction that could happen (and usually happens) to anyone at any time. It is almost human nature to feel defensive if they think any threat of harm would come to them. But before the thought of defending self comes the feeling of fear first. 


Although a natural feeling that can affect anyone, fear can be quite paralyzing. And when one is paralyzed with fear, it might as well be the end of life as one knows it. Some people are afraid to try stuff because they fear it. Some people are afraid to do the necessary step in any activity because they are afraid of failure. Some people just basically fear anything that is unfamiliar to them. 

One is not exempt from feeling fear. Even the strongest person you know can feel fear. And when one is not aware of it, it can consume them. 


On the other hand, bravery is not the absence of fear. It is mostly the decision to go through with the scary challenge that makes that difference. There is still the fear, but usually, the mindset that seemingly makes the person brave is “If I am not going to face this now, it would still be there tomorrow to scare me more.” Safe to say that bravery begins with the fear of facing the same fear again and again. And so a lot of people go through their fear once to get it over and done with.


The feeling of fear is not invalid. However, to be consumed by fear is highly dangerous. The mindset to get over the fear so as not to face it another day gives people more courage. When they decide to face their fears, the result of may not be in their favor sometimes and they would have to try again. But when they do overcome the threat that faces them even with fear being present, the victory they get is the sweetest. 

Life will always be throwing surprises at you. When the surprise gets tough, know that you need not face it alone. There will be people that would be by your side when you need rest and when you need to be encouraged. They may not always be helping you solve your problems or overcome your challenges, but they will be there, ready to help pick you up so you could stand back up again.


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